
Name: Trooper
Age:  10 years
Gender: Male
Neutered/Spayed: No
Location:  Bracknell 
Dog Friendly: yes
Cat Friendly: no

Trooper is a senior gentleman who is looking for a retirement home as his current family having to move overseas and are unable to take him. 

Trooper is in great health for his age and is very welcoming and gentle with anyone he meets. He lived with 2 children from their birth so he is very tolerant and used to busy households, however, given his age and the big change, we believe a quieter environment would be more suitable. However, he will be happy to see any visiting family members and friends. 

Trooper is very well behaved and all around a 'perfect dog' - how our assessor described him. He likes meeting people and does know some commands. There is absolutely no aggression in him. He can pull on his lead a little, but settles quickly. As most Akitas, he is not keen on other male dogs, but with right distance they are no issue for him. 

We believe Trooper could live with a well behaved spayed female pending successful introductions. 

If you are looking for a very loving and gentle dog who will be happy to have quieter days and some sofa time as long as he is with his humans, please fill out our adoptions form.